Sul Vento – 在风中 – On the wind
Sweelinck – Frescobaldi – Correa de Arauxo – Zipoli – Clérambault – Daquin
Teresa Wang Li 王鹂
Sul Vento [On the Wind]
The pipe organ is a musical instrument included in the category of aerophones, that is, it produces sound through the vibration of the air. This is not “steady”, stagnant air, but a constant flow which, pumped in and out of the bellows, provides the column of air necessary to emit sounds through the pipes.
This continuous jet of air, at constant pressure, is called “wind”. Hence the title of the so-called “Sul Vento”, a collection of compositions for ancient organ interpreted by Teresa Wang Li.
The organ repertoire presented considers the performance of pieces composed in the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries to be played on historical Italian instruments, such as the one made by Andrea Gennari in 1828-1829 and installed in the church dedicated to St. Stephen in Macerata, also known as the church of the “old Capuchins”.
The compositions by Sweelinck, Frescobaldi, Correa de Arauxo, Zipoli, Clérambault, Daquin realize an exclusive musicological, historiographic and geographic path: from Holland to Italy going through Spain and France.
“Sul Vento” from the history and evolution of keyboard music, appreciable through the different writing of the proposed authors, Teresa Wang Li offers her own personal musical reading that does not stop at a mere technical execution, but tries to express the soul and taste coming from a course of study and knowledge that was strongly and passionately desired.
“Sul Vento” not only virtuosities of multiple alternations of themes, subjects, shots, musical embellishments and harmonic progressions, but music that becomes dance, meditation, impetuosity, luminous joy.
A particular thought has to be devoted to Fabio Quarchioni (Macerata, 24th April 1954 – Macerata, 27th June 2017) to whom this publication is devoted: without his care we would not have had the current benefits of the perfect conditions of the “Gennari” pipe organ of Saint Stephen’s Church. A special thanks is addressed to Father Gianluca Cerolini, parish of the churches of Our Lady of Peace, of Saint Stephen, of Saint Michael and of Our lady of the Mount, because he put the church and the organ at disposal for the recording of the CD audio and to Paolo Peretti for the help in writing the history of the organ of Saint Stephen’s church, deduced from the last document about the matter of the organs in Macerata by Fabio Quarchioni published posthumous in the volume of the deeds related to the 52nd Congress of Historical Studies of Macerata.
Special gratitude to the organ builder Giulio Fratini for the tuning and the ordinary maintenance of the musical instrument, to father Giovanni Li for the translations, Francesco Sardella for the audio editing and to all the people who have cooperated and supported with their enthusiasm in realising this publication.
“Sul vento” is the tribute of mine and of the Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of Macerata to Teresa Wang Li who walked together with us with her passion in the five years spent in Macerata, the town of Father Matteo Ricci (Macerata, 6th October 1552 – Beijing, 11th May 1610), the Jesuit who succeeded in being appreciated in China not only as a mathematician, a cartograph, a musician….After four centuries the reverse path that made us meet and mutually admire.
Carlo Paniccià
Master conductor of the Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of Macerata
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Teresa Wang Li was born in Yakeshi in the Inner Mongolia region, in China. She has studied music since an early age, following her father’s footsteps. She got a degree in piano in 2011 at the Conservatory of the North East Normal University and got a master degree in Musicology at the same University in 2013.
In 2014 she arrived in Italy to attend a PhD in ethnomusicology at the Department of Humanist Studies of the University of Macerata with professor Vincenzo Caporaletti, on 8th June 2017 she discussed her thesis entitled «Music and culture of Mongolian minorities in the Public Republic of China: the Barga ethnic group».
In September 2015 she attended the pre-academic organ course at the Music Conservatory “Gioachino Rossini” in Pesaro, in the class held by Professor Giovanna Franzoni. The following September she started the two-years period of the specialisation in organ (antique and baroque course) always in the same Conservatory under the guidance of Professor Franzoni.
She has been studying since October 2018 at Mainz University in Germany, within the Erasmus project, in the class of Professor Gerhard Gnann. During this period, she has had the chance of seeing and playing several historic organs under the guidance of many German organ Professors and organists.
In March 2019 she got her organ diploma (antique and baroque music) with top marks and honor.
From 2014 to 2019 she was the organist of the Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of Macerata. She has performed as a soloist in several towns, playing in the sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto, in the papal Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi and at the Sanctuary of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina and San Giovanni Rotondo; she has also taken part to different festivals and organ galas both as a soloist and as an accompanist of solo singers, choirs and instrumentalists.
released March 1, 2023
Recorded: 17th-26th August 2019 at Saint Stephen’s church, Macerata
Recording producer, sound engineer: Carlo Paniccià
Editing & mixing: Francesco Sardella
Microphones: Oktava MK12
Headphone: AKG
Digital audio workstations: ProTools, Logic Pro X.
Original format: 24-bit / 96 kHz
Cover text: Carlo Paniccià
Graphic design: inpubblico by Paolo Carassai
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